January 23, 2013

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Day 7 1/2

Hehe...yes it's one of those days again :)

You'd think that with an entire day to do the workout, I'd make it at some point. But I think it is exactly those days that end up to be less productive than those that require proper time-scheduling. I slept in late this morning and P. wanted to go and do some job-related errands in town, which left me with no time to do the workout in the morning. Of course I could've just gotten up earlier....

After we came home, I was exhausted from all the running around, and my foot hurt. For some reason my big toe was hurting, and I messed around with it for so long yesterday that it was infected today. This is why I didn't do the cardio today. But before I can excell in my role of the poor sufferer, I would like to admit that I probably wouldn't have made it anyway.

P. and I had friends coming over for a movie night just about 45 mins after we came home, and they left at about 2 AM. So I guess it's just one of those days that could've been better structured in hindsight.

Nevertheless, I am proud that I still did the mat-workout! I feel OK about it, there is no guilt or beating myself up. I am really starting to take my mothers advice of taking the emotion out of it. No need to procrastinate or feel sorry for myself. I only need to do it. It's actually that easy :)

My mam is currently doing the TAM too and is on day four. Although she is joining my goal of 90 days, her real goal is getting past day 8. She has the same problem as me, that we start out good, but as soon as something gets in the way, we just stop. Like me, she is trying to take the emotion out of it and she has managed to do her exercise in the evening today, even though this is always the time she gives up on exercise. This is how she managed to stick to her workout goal today:
  • When she came home, she got straight into her workout garb, even though she did other stuff first
  •  She stopped telling herself that she couldn't do exercise in the evening; taking the emotion out of it 
  • She is happy with starting small and focusing on the creation of an exercise habit
  • She had the sufficient motivation; she didn't want to accept defeat before the 8th day again
What I love about her approach the most is that her goal to create an exercise habit. She doesn't do the entire workout, but only works on the areas that she wants to change the most. Over time, when doing exercise has become as natural to her as brushing her teeth, she will add other modules. It takes about 21 days to create a new habit, and this is how long she wants to do what she can, and what she feels comfortable with. I feel a great peace when I think about her way of doing the exercise. While I am all "I need to do this perfectly, there are people expecting me to show up", she is very much "Ok. I will do whatever I manage today and what I feel good about.".

We both love something a friend of mine said awhile ago, when my mam asked him why he did his exercise: "Because I love doing the exercise. I love every focused second that I spend working on my body. I do it for the sake of the exercise, not because I want a particular body; that's just the bonus."

I think this was the first time that I ever thought about the concept for this blog. It's not about being the butterfly, but about enjoying the whole process leading up to it.

The Diet

After the lack of control of the last couple of days, I was really good today. While P. and I were out in town we got really hungry and that put us into a dangerous situation, especially with Burger Kind and McDonalds just around the corner. P. was already hinting that he would like to eat there, but I said it would be better to just go home and have something there before we ordered food for the movie night with friends. Although I was already thinking of excuses that I could write about here, I didn't give in to this easy option. I don't want to think of myself as a person that cannot live without fast-food. I love fresh foods and I love cooking them, I don't need these places. They're not as cheap as they would like you to think either! So, by staying firm I saved us some good money and calories today :) 

What I ate:
  • I killed the box of toffifee (about 8 pralines, but at least now they're out of the house ) and had a cup of tea with milk
  • I had asian rice with vegetables, egg and chicken + springroll
In my defence: I wanted fried rice with vegetables without egg and chicken, but P. couldn't pay over the internet if I didn't take something from the card. I didn't eat my entire meal (not even half of it) and I will have the rest for dinner tomorrow. 

Even though I seem to have an abundance of time, I haven't managed to get myself to research new recipes or anything that will help me improve my eating habits right now. 

Kitten update:
As I wrote about my Kitten Boo two days ago, I thought it would be nice to give you an update. P. and I brought Boo to the vet on monday and she confirmed our suspicions. Boo had worms as well as the runs. The vet said that this could've been cause by the dog food that Boo was fed before we took her in. She also lost a tooth, due to her attempts to free herself from P's grip, and I felt sick from worry. P. and I were both so shaky that day. The vet left us with the warning that it could be that Boo wont survive her illness, but that she will help us as much as she can. 

Now that I watch her exploring our living room, I am not worrying too much anymore. We put her on a black tea diet (what else for a half irish kitten ;)) and she seems to be doing well. She is obviously in less discomfort and starting to behave more like a kitten of four months, rather than a granny. She is still shy and a little wary of P. and me, but she is getting closer every day. I really just want to cuddle her!

I'll keep you updated :)


I am very proud that I can actually write something here, it wasn't easy to motivate myself. I am getting better and better. I can do the arms without a problem as well as the abs section. My legs were supprisingly good today and I think I will be able to do the exhaustion part without a problem by day 10.

While out in town I had a great idea for my other projects for this blog, and I am looking forward to creating content and an environment that you and I can feel good with. I am really happy I started this exercise challenge, as it is keeping everything together. Blogging about the exercise helps me connect to all you amazing women out there already, while still giving me the time to get used to being a blogger and creating meaningful content.


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