January 22, 2013

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Day 6

I can't believe that I am only starting to write this at 2:25AM! Although the time would suggest something different, I did my workout on time, even though today would've been an ideal "victim" day.

I had two exams and spent my time at University from around 10AM to 5 PM. My good friend Natalia arrived for a visit, and our group of friends planned to meet up at 8. Usually this limited amount of time would've been a problem for me, especially after missing the workout part yesterday. When you have already missed a day, it is so much easier to find reasons to miss another.

I am happy I didn't! With only four hours of sleep, it would have been so easy to just call it a day and relax on the couch. Not wanting to disappoint myself and you has helped me find the motivation to do it anyway.

The way I managed to get going was to take the emotion out of it. I did one logical step after the other. Before I got dressed, I switched on the TV and had the DVD running in the background. Then I got dressed and chose the first song for my workout, which gave me enough energy to start.

Because I did my workout, I could really enjoy our get-together and I was just proud that I didn't let the obstacles beat me!

"You're never fully dressed without a smile" (Annie)

The Diet

Yeah....who saw it coming that I wouldn't keep to my good intention of eating soup and drinking loads of tea today? SURPRISE!!! You were right.... ;)

I had 

  • For Breakfast: Half a baguette (approx. 2 toast) with margarine and salad/jam/peanut butter + black tea with a drop of milk + 1 pear
  • 1 cheese ball (just thinking of it makes me feel ill right now) 

  • 6 Toffifee (I bought them in a weak moment and as soon as they are in the house I can't withstand them...)
  • Main meal: Rice with Brazilian beans + salad + handful tortilla chips + slice of marble cake (?) + loooooots of water
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Before the feast

P. made this cake - it was amazing!

Reflecting on my food choices I have realized .. things

  • I eat the wrong breakfast because I have not researched healthy alternatives - research vegan breakfasts, or healthy fruit options that are appealing
  • I eat sweets because I bring them into the house - don't bring sweets into the house
  • I don't eat regularly and this encourages overeating and wrong food decisions - make a weekly and daily meal plan
I really want to get a grip on my bad eating habit at the moment, as it feels counterproductive to my workout. It ruins the positive way I feel about myself when I get up in the mornings, or after a workout. The bad eating doesn't make me feel as if the workout is doing me any good, it just makes me feel bloated and chubby.

Now that University will consume less of my time, I will try to find, or create, a selection of recipes that are easy to do and don't need to much effort or ingredients. Eating sweets or toast, or anything else that I know I don't want to be eating, is so easy and quick to make, I need to find good alternatives.

That will be one of my main goals for this week: Find new recipes and test at least one per week. 


Starting my workout is becoming easier and easier. I still feel laziness when I think about starting, but the general attitude to doing regular exercise has gotten better. At some point it will be second nature to pop in the DVD and just start without over thinking, or looking for excuses. 

The only thing that is worth mentioning, is that I could feel the first strain of the last days in my calves. (I'm still too heavy on my feet) 

  • Psy - Gangnam Style 
  • David Guette - Falling to pieces
  • Medina - You and me Forever Remix
  • Jekyll&Hyde - Freefall
  • Flo Rida - Let it Roll 


Even though I had no motivation for it after the cardio, I did the workout! The legs part is steadily getting better, although I am very easily distracted. I really hope that the next workout will be a little more interesting. 

I am sorry for this very short and ugly summary of the day, but I am nearly falling asleep, and I really wanted to keep to my daily updates. 

Today was a real breakthrough for me. I did the workout even though I was tired, unmotivated and pressed for time. Usually these three reasons would have been enough for me to give up, but not this time. This time I really want to stick to it! Chakaa!

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." (Booker T. Washington)

I hope you've had a great day! Looking forward to reporting to you tomorrow, 


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