January 25, 2013

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Day 8 and A Lousy Excuse

It happened, I started slacking.

Let me tell you about the last two days of this challenge. I did the entire workout for exercise day 8, but then fell asleep on the couch without actually reporting back to you. Today, I can't even say that I just didn't make it to report to you. I didn't do the workout, and it makes me feel lousy.

I don't even have the excuse of a busy schedule, or loads of exams as University is coming to its end for this semester. P. had arranged to meet some friends for a game of poker, and because I still had to do my exercise, I stayed home especially to do it. I also wanted to use this me-time to watch a Tim Burton movie and draw something. Here is what I did in the end:

  • I fell asleep
  • I ate a garlic baguette (how weird and random is this as a lunch choice?)
  • lounged on the couch feeling bad about myself, but not doing anything about it 
Just thinking of having to tell you that I missed another day was awful. I really want this to happen. I want to have all the great benefits from this amazing workout, but also give you a realistic view of what you can expect and how it can go. I guess that missing a day for the reasons above, is a realistic representation of how it can go. 

I have a real lack of energy at the moment. On the one hand, I know that this is directly tied to my many deficiencies that I am currently working on. On the other hand, it is also due to my lack of motivation and direction. I have all these plans for myself and what I want to do, but in the end all I end up doing is eating the wrong food and watching TV. 

I need a plan! 

But, although I might have missed another day, I chose not to beat myself up too much. I'll count it as my free day for the second week, which leaves me with no excuse for the next six days. 

Tomorrow I will continue with day 9 and I'll add an extra day to the first 10 day workout on Sunday. 

What I want to start tackling the next few days, in order to get back on track:
  • REALLY start doing the exercises in the morning!
  • Make a meal plan for the week, with at least one plant-based meal a day (does anyone know any good recipes or meals?)
  • Limit my intake of sweets to one actively chosen treat a week
  • When I think of doing it, get up and do it. No emotion, no thinking, no over analyzing
P. asked me what that means now that I missed a day. I told him that it meant that I just need to do it again tomorrow. It's not as if the world has ended, and 8 days of exercise in a row is already more than I did before. 
"Rather than viewing a brief relapse back to inactivity as a failure, treat it as a challenge and try to get back on track as soon as possible." (Jimmy Connors)
I really love this quote. I am not going to allow myself to feel bad or make my day even worse. I will accept what made me fail today, and will do better tomorrow. With your help of course :)

I just found this funny image, and wanted to share with you :) Totally what today was about, although I wouldn't say that I worked that much:

This is not my image, find the original here!

The Diet

To be honest, I am not going to bore you with the stuff that you are probably eating yourself, if you are unhappy with how you're eating. I don't know why its that hard for me at the moment to really focus on good eating; I was never this bad. I think it also has to do with my low drive and motivation that I don't take the time to make a proper menu or go shopping for it. 

This is what I ate yesterday and today: 
  • 2x sandwiches with some meat and salad 
  • the rest of my rice from the Asian and a slice of P.'s pizza
  • 2x pears
  • 3 slices of french toast with prunes
  • A garlic baguette...
That's it. BUT, I must say that I am very proud that I have only been drinking some orange juice, water and tea for the last two weeks. 


The cardio went well, although I am still not able to do the entire thing in one go. I often need to pause to have a drink of water, or to let some fresh air into the room. (With the kitty toilet and food in the same room, you can image that it smells wild after a while) My goal is to do 10 full minutes before I am allowed take a short break to drink or whatever it is I need to do. Having a timer running while I do the workout has really helped me stay focused and dedicated too. 

Although I haven't had bad sore muscles yet, my left knee was hurting me while doing the workout yesterday. Whenever I jumped on my left leg to much, I had a slight aching in the right side of my knee. It's gone today, but I need to test it tomorrow in order to know if its due to the cardio. 


I must admit that I did the workout while the TV was running. As a rule, I was not allowed look at the TV, but just listen. I know that in order to achieve good results, one has to be focused on the movements and the act of doing the workout. Still, as I have already been doing her other mat-workouts, this first exercise part is really boring me. The arms and abs aren't challenging, and I seem to lose patience with the muscle exhaustion part, if I don't have anything to distract my mind. I hope that the next workout will be more challenging and exciting for me. 

By the way, if you don't have a workout mat yet, I really would recommend getting one. I didn't use one for ages, until P. brought one home for me. It's so much more comfortable and there is a lot less fidgeting on my part now. I can concentrate on the workout, rather than what I am kneeling on. :) 

I will call it a day (or night) now, and hope you are well!

I would really love hearing about your ups and downs in whatever exercise it is you are doing, and am open to advice :) 


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