January 14, 2013

Accepting the 90 Day Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Challenge

May I present to you a post that I have been procrastinating on for so long, that I think I should be rewarded for it :) 

I have been working with Tracy Anderson’s home DVD’s, on and off, for more than two years now and I thought it was time to
  • let interested people know what to expect, based on my experiences 
  • Uncover myths, lies and truths about her product on the internet (I will not focus on the person, because  it’s not her personality that  gets me the body I want) 
  • Show the correlation of effort and result
  • Get my ass off the couch and start taking care of my body again!

My first encounter with Tracy Anderson (TA) was in a girlie-magazine two years ago. At that time she was all the rage, due to her position as Madonna’s personal trainer and her unique training methods. The included workout DVD was a good demonstration of how different she was to everything I had done or seen before. I remember I was intrigued by the different movements and the powerful dance cardio. It seemed so different to the 80’s type aerobics videos out there and introduced me to a whole new exercise experience.

Since then, the Tracy Anderson Method (TAM) has always been my secret super weapon. Whenever I feel that I need to lose weight or want to tone up again, I know I only need to take out her program and follow it (even half-hearted) for a short amount of time to achieve amazing results. 

What I love about her programs the most though, is that they make you feel sexy and feminine. I have done my fair share of workout testing (I think we all have), but I have never felt this feminine with a workout before. This is what has really made me stick to her. Her workouts are for women, who want to look and feel like women. The goal is to feel feminine and sexy again, in a woman's body. 
“I’ve created this program because I’ve been there myself. I know what it feels like to want to make a change but not have the right tools. Or to be constantly offered “solutions” that take up a lot of time and energy and money and don’t really serve anything. I created the method because it was time for something better. “  (TA)
It's so hard to find a really good workout, that gives you quick and good results, which is why I really wanted to share my experiences with Tracy's products.

Note: I do not earn any money from promoting Tracy Anderson or her products, nor was I asked to do this. I just want to share something that has worked for me and am open to your workout preferences and suggestions. J

Tracy Anderson and her Product

Tracy Anderson is the creator of the Tracy Anderson Method (TAM) and all associated workout programs. She is known as the personal trainer of many famous people, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakira, Nicole Richie, Courtney Cox and Madonna. If you want to know more about the person Tracy Anderson and where she comes from, read her story in this book, or just ask me. 

Essentials of the TAM

All information that I present to you in the following section is from the book mentioned above.  Since I am not reinventing anything here, I’ll just list some of the most important statements and add a comment if necessary. 

How the Method Works (in a Nutshell):
“Strengthening the smaller muscle groups so that they can pull in the larger muscles, resulting in a  lean, long, feminine figure that is not bulky. I knew that I didn’t want to build upon muscles, I wanted to pull in muscles. Throughout your body is challenged by repetition, by angle, by rotation. Its  challenged by it own weight, by choreography, by connection. And once you get good at it, its challenged by opposing forces. “ (TA)

General Information about the TAM

  • TAM can restructure your body – “Is it really possible to re-engineer my body? You may be asking. The answer is yes. No matter what your genetic background, it is absolutely possible."
  • The goals of her workout are that you can be: Healthy, strong, fit, feminine and sexy – yet still be able to eat real food (THANK GOD!)
  • "After one month of dedicated training, your body will be more fit, toned and full of energy"
  • “If you want to see real change, you can’t just read about it. You have to get up and do it.”
  • It is important to do both the dance cardio, as well as the workout –“ [Losing weight] isn’t just about moving or reducing calories; it’s about how you move and what kind of energy you provide for yourself.”
  • The TAM is not a quick fix!
  • TAM is about making you and your body a priority

About the Workout

  •            It is essential to be mindful while doing the workout - there is a difference between just doing something, and really performing it
  •       Don't try to copy every of her dance cardio movements
  • 2.      Don't do any other extensive exercise, if you want to have her results. 
  • 3.      TAM focuses on the smaller accessory muscles, as opposed to the big muscle groups, which tend to bulk 
  • 5.      Her workouts are created to avoid the constant repetition of the same movements and exercises. (Thus ongoing results)
  • 7.       The entire body is trained

Claimed Results I Intend to Prove/Disprove

  • Noticeable results within the first 30 days
  • Reduction of cellulite (keeping to the diet important)
  • “Tight, toned body that is streamlined instead of bulky”
    • End result: “A tight, tiny, trim body”
  • Commitment = Results – you see what you do
    • Mat-workout without the cardio = tight muscles but blubbery feeling (from the fat)
    • Only cardio/Crash diet = sagging skin

Metamorphosis and Me

For this challenge, I will be doing the Metamorphosis (Meta) program, which is a 90 day workout and diet. It is Tracy's most expensive and extensive product. The program package consists of: 4 DVDs, a "Let's get started" leaflet, a Workout Tracker, a "Dynamic Eating Plan", access to the online community and a measuring tape. On the DVDs you have an Introduction, the Dance Cardio and nine consecutive workouts. After you have finished the 90 days provided in this package, there is also the possibility of adding a continuity. For a monthly fee, you are provided with additional dances and workouts every ten days, as if you were taking classes with Tracy. (Check here for the official website)

If you are only starting out, or are new to her products, I don’t suggest you start with Meta. I think it's too much money wasted, if you realize after a while that her products don't work for you. The first DVDs that I invested in, are the same one I still use after two years. It’s a triple-DVD set, with two Dance Cardio DVD’s and one mat-workout. If you want to try it out, I suggest you invest in this set, as it gives you a great variety and will keep you challenged for at least 6 months. It is ideal for beginners (although it need getting used to) but also for those who are already in good shape. You can easily use this workout for an entire year without getting bored of it. (I got bored after about two years, which is why I decided to try Meta)

Since I will be doing the Meta program, my future posts will be focusing on my experiences with that particular workout. If, however, you are doing one of her other DVDs and need some help, please feel free to ask me anything!

Why am I doing this?

I guess the answer to this is the same as ever: I am not feeling great about my body and I want to start refocusing on my health. 

Before Christmas I had some tests done, and it turns out I need to start taking better care of myself. What prompted me to go and do some tests, was my constant feeling of tiredness and lack of drive. Turns out, I have a food allergy against dairy and gluten, in addition to a deficiency of nearly every major vitamin and mineral. (At least now I know I’m not just lazy ;) With this knowledge, I can't just continue with the same destructive exercise and food habits. And, I am sick of not feeling good and confident about myself!

It’s time to get back on track, and take real care of my body (it’s the most important thing I have).

And, to give you the ultimate, fat and ugly reason for doing this:  I’ve gotten too fat for most of my pretty clothes!

My guidelines for the challenge:
  •           Do the Meta workout six days a week, starting from the 15th
  •          Keep as closely to the Meta diet as possible
  •          Drink water and tea only
  •          Honestly report about my experiences (good/bad)  on this blog every day, for the first 30 days (after that weekly updates, if not requested otherwise)

How I prepare

As the next 90 days will be pretty challenging, both mentally and physically, here is what I did to prepare myself:

       Set the reward

I know that P. (my bf) secretly scoffs at my addiction to having rewards, but it will not stop me from setting one now.  I find it very important to have something to look forward to that really means something. Thinking about the reason I am really doing this (fitting into my pretty clothes), I thought that clothes would be the best reward and motivator. I love Victorian and Burlesque outfits that make me feel sexy and elegant, so when I have achieved my 90 day goal, I allow myself to invest in a wardrobe that reflects this.  (I already feel that this will lead to a future “viciously de-cluttering my wardrobe” post). This is of course my BIG goal. I think that the process of shaping a fantastic body along the way, will suffice until then. Both make me feel SUPER excited  ;)
“Don’t fall into the reward trapYou are your own teacher and critic. Hold yourself accountable. Don’t become too proud too soon. Don’t justify minimum efforts. Reward yourself when you hit your goal, not because you laced up your sneakers for the first time.” (TA)


As my favorite form of procrastination is research, it’s no surprise that you can find it in this list J I think that good research is one of the most important components of any successful endeavor. In my case, I researched other experiences with the Meta program, what I am allowed eat and what I need to buy before I start tomorrow. As I have already done other of TA’s workouts, I already have 3 pound weights, runners and a mat. I also made a groceries list. As far as research is concerned, I am all set.

       Preparing the Environment

As I am living with my bf, I needed to prepare him for what lies ahead for me and how that would affect him. I already agreed with P. that I would have my own section in the fridge and that he would have to cook for himself the next few weeks. I also told all those people close to me about my doctor’s results and dietary plans, so that they could help me in sticking to my goal. I think it is very important to talk to those living with you, or close to you, about your workout goals. This way you can win their support and make them feel involved. It also makes you feel more accountable.

      Make a Schedule

Although I have a particular talent for not keeping to schedules, I do think that having a loose frame is important. This way, I actively choose to make my workout a priority. By setting a fixed time, I don’t need to think about it, until it’s time to get ready.  Fixed times is also important, if other people are involved. I asked P., when it would be OK for him to give up the living room for an hour, and we have aggreed to certain times. This way I make P. an active partner, and him taking up the living room can't be an excuse for me anymore.

      Give myself enough time to prepare

Giving myself time before starting this workout has helped me a lot. I already thought about doing this challenge and all that goes with it before Christmas, but I needed to just think about it. Because the date was still so far away, I didn’t feel stressed. I had enough time to get everything I needed and to be clear about my goals and motivation.


Yes, you have read correctly. This is probably the part of my preparation that I loved the best. Because I know that I want to commit to a very restricted diet for the next 90 days, I allowed myself to really indulge before I started. Especially around Christmas there was no treat that I left uneaten. I did everything that I thought I would be missing out on, and it has done wonders for me. By now I have fattened up so much that I really, really want to shape up and I don’t actually want to eat any more of the fatty and sugared foods. Allowing myself to eat whatever crossed my way since December 22nd, has helped me visualize, why I want to start making healthy choices. (Dirty Secret: My last meal before starting was a Burger King Whopper with Fries, Fanta and a Hot Brownie)

If you are still with me here, I want to thank you for your attention and mental strength J 

I know keeping this, or any other longer commitment is hard, and it won't be all smiles and joy. While I do this challenge, I will try to give you as much pointers as I can, to make it easier for you.  I would also love it, if any full-time moms, girlfriends, students and/or career women could share with us how they fit exercise into their demanding schedules.

Also, if you are doing a different routine, or any other challenge, don’t feel excluded by me focusing on Meta. This is not about any one product, it’s just what I will be doing for the next 90 days. No matter what it is you are doing, if you want to share your workout experiences and need people to cheer you on, join in. We can tackle this together!

Thank you so much for being part of this!


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